Effective. Affordable. Compliant.
$325 system setup fee + $275.00 monthly site fee + your choice of usage each month
Usage is determined by the number of unique logged-in users who visit your training site in a given month. Any usage overages will be charged on a per-person basis at the average user cost for your selected tier.
Site usage without a plan is billed at $12.50 per user per month.
Build the perfect online educational experience
Personalized Domain with SSL
$30.00 per month
Link your NetStudy hosted site to your own domain name. Domain secured by a 2048-bit verified SSL certificate.
Private-Label Website
$15.00 per month
Removal of the "Powered by NetStudy" branding on your site.
Private-Label Phone Support
$125.00 per month
A dedicated customer support phone number for your company. Calls are answered by our experienced staff as if they are your own CE processing department.
Private-Label Email Accounts
$75.00 per month
Link in your email account and have our support system send email reminders and certificates through your own support email. Forward CE inquiries from your email account to ours and we’ll answer your support emails too.
Direct Payment Gateway - existing
$225.00 setup
PayPal, Stripe, FirstData, BluePay, AuthorizeNet
All collected payments will be sent directly through your specified payment gateway.
Direct Payment Gateway - new
$550.00 setup
Merchant gateway other than those listed above as integrated.
Custom Website Design
Request a Quote
Create your NetStudy platform website to suit your own tastes. Custom template to be designed by Customer and delivered to NetStudy in an acceptable format (HTML/CSS, Photoshop, etc). Template approval or rejection at the discretion of NetStudy.
Certification Management
$350.00 per month
Online management of the enrollment for and completion of curriculum to achieve a certification or professional designation. Includes the setting of exam parameters, retake allowance, terms of certification, periods of renewal and the ongoing training requirements and fees of graduates maintaining a professional designation.
Format and Upload New Training Materials
$550.00 per course hour
We can help you turn any presentation from a Word, PDF, or PPT format into a professional online presentation for a fraction of the cost you’d pay to high end course development firms. Courses may be delivered in the following formats: Text on slides, Text with audio, Video, Video and PPT Presentation
Use of a Catalog Course
$30.00 per course per month
Utilization of a course from the InsuranceStudy or LTC Connection training catalog on a NetStudy learning platform.
Use of Entire Catalog
$550.00 per month
Use of all available courses in the InsuranceStudy or LTC Connection training catalog on a NetStudy learning platform.
Upload Your Existing Training Materials
$150 per course
Place training you’ve already created and published directly on our platform. Recommended third party software programs are Articulate (Studio, Storyline, Engage, Quiz) and iSpring (Professional, Suite).